Janitor cleaning the school campus illustration

Some school janitors care for the wellbeing of their kids so much that they’ll do just about anything to to help them. One janitor in Florida has become a perfect example of this commitment.

“Mr. Jerry,” as students call him, slept atop the roof of Ocean Palms Elementary school as part of a playful pact he made with the kids, reports News 4 JAX.

The school is currently raising funds to build a new playground, and at the beginning of the efforts Mr. Jerry promised to complete a number of silly tasks should the students reach certain benchmarks. He slept on the roof in a tent, sporting an umbrella hat after the kids raised $50,000.

At the time of the report the students had raised $60,000 for the playground. Other odd acts Mr. Jerry completed after benchmarks were reached included dying his hair green and agreeing to being doused with ice water during a school pep rally.

Another school janitor recently helped brighten the day of a student through a heartwarming act that was shared across the internet.

The janitor, known as “Ms. Esther,” was shown in a viral video comforting a saddened student with autism who had been laying on the floor in despair.