Contest announcement

This October as part of Manufacturing Month, Milwaukee-based Sellars Absorbent Materials is hosting an “I Spy” game. With more than 50 different products, Sellars can be found here, there and everywhere – from auto shops and factory floors to school cafeterias and city zoos.

From Oct. 1-31, 2024, visit Sellars’ Facebook page for a chance to win a prize package valued at $500. To enter, snap a picture of a Sellars’ product “in the wild,” identify where it was taken and share it as a comment on that week’s “I Spy” post.

Photo submissions can come from anyone and from anywhere in the U.S. Simply capture a Sellars’ product being used at work, home or in any other locale or destination.

Each week during Manufacturing Month, a winner will be drawn and sent a prize package that includes a $200 Visa e-card, collection of high-end items made from recycled materials and a supply of Bravo paper towels.

“We’re hosting this activity as a fun way to say thank you to our customers and bring attention to the prevalence of products made in the United States,” said Michelle Gross, vice president of marketing for Sellars Absorbent Materials. “Manufacturing is the backbone of our country and small and mid-size companies like ours employ millions of Americans and produce essential products that support our work and home lives.”

Read more on the challenge and prizes here