The American Cleaning Institute, the trade association for the U.S. cleaning products industry, issued the following statement from Ernie Rosenberg, President & CEO, on the passing of U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey):

“On behalf of the American Cleaning Institute, I want to express our deepest condolences to the family, friends, staff and constituents of Sen. Frank Lautenberg. Our thoughts and prayers will be with all of them in the days and weeks to come," says Rosenberg. "We know that he was very passionate about modernizing our nation’s chemical safety laws. It is gratifying to know that that he was able to see bipartisan legislation introduced that represents a real breakthrough after many years of discussion. It is our hope that we will find ways to honor his memory and his legacy on this issue in the months to come.”

Sen. Lautenberg died of pneumonia early Monday morning. He was 89. He was the oldest serving member of the Senate, and the last surviving World War II veteran. 

Gov. Chris Christie is expected to announce his replacement later in the week.