According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the movement towards developing green and healthy learning environments is growing increasingly popular in schools across America. In fact, many schools are implementing indoor air quality (IAQ) management programs as a way to create a green and healthy environment. Programs like this help protect student and staff health and can boost academic performance.

To capitalize on these benefits, the EPA outlines six tips to help schools incorporate IAQ into the green and healthy schools movement. These tips are:

• Use EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools Framework for Effective School IAQ Management to help your school develop an IAQ management plan. Use the Action Kit to put the Key Drivers and Technical Solutions in place.

• Adopt school policies that support Asthma Action Plans. Provide training and education to school staff, teachers and students on the importance of addressing asthma and other environmental health issues.

• As a part of your successful IAQ management program, take the simple step of testing for radon, a radioactive gas that is a hazardous indoor pollutant. The only way to know if your school has elevated radon levels is to test. If elevated levels are found, contact your state radon office for mitigation recommendations.

• Purchase and use green cleaning products in your school or district.

• Find an IAQ Champion near you and receive mentorship and guidance from a school district in your area.

• Attend the Green Schools National Conference on February 22 – 24, 2013, to network with more than 1,500 educators from across the nation and to learn how you can use EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools guidance to create healthy indoor environments in schools.