The peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season is here, as made evident by the powerful Hurricane Laura, which struck America's Gulf Coast region Thursday morning and is expected to impact the country through the weekend, according to the National Hurricane Center. With the season now in full swing, it's a good time to once again explore what people should do during and after a hurricane.
Once the storm is about to hit, facility managers and business owners will want to turn off surge protectors, which will prevent electronic devices from being fried, according to Choose Energy, a resource for energy consumers. Large appliances inside the building should be unplugged, too. This includes popular break room items like refrigerators and ovens.
It's also important to be cautious after the storm has passed. Choose Energy recommends avoiding large puddles and bodies of water as downed power lines or electrical equipment could make them dangerous. People should also avoid drinking tap water until authorities say it is safe to do so.
For more on preparing for a hurricane, click here.