Person handing over car key

Kinnie Morris takes care of an elementary school, but was sadly having trouble looking out for himself. Morris, a custodian at Jim Pearson Elementary School in Alexander City, Alabama has been struggling to make his doctors appointments because the car he has is a real clunker. Members of the school caught wind of this and decided to solve Morris’ issue, just like he has helped to solve theirs for 24 years.

A first grade teacher at Jim Pearson Elementary School started a GoFundMe campaign to raise the money required to get Morris a more reliable ride, reports CBS 7. Many opened up their checkbooks to help.

Morris walked into the school Thursday morning noticing some palpable energy. Unbeknownst to him, the noise was for him. 

Students, and faculty members told Morris they got him a new car.

His first response was a shocked “Huh?”

Schools stepping up to honor their dedicated custodial workers seems to be en vogue. Elementary school students and their parents in Texas joined forces in May to purchase a car for a school custodian after his was claimed by a fire. Earlier that month, students and staff at an elementary school in Georgia threw a surprise party for a beloved 83-year-old janitor that was retiring.