The recently released Greening of Corporate America SmartMarket report reveals that corporate America's opinions on sustainability and green building are here to stay. According to reports from, not only are most U.S. corporate leaders interested in sustainability, but the majority of leaders are also examining proactive ways to make sustainability a consistent part of their companies' missions.

"Eighteen percent of leaders surveyed are in the upper, or market transformational, stages, with 15% viewing sustainability as a competitive advantage and 3% actually driving their entire businesses through this value-driven lens. Over the next three years, more companies see themselves as entering this top tier, with nearly a third of the sample aiming to be market leaders in sustainability."

Experts predict that corporate leaders are already very conscious of using green practices, and they expect green building to have an even greater impact in the future. In fact, the study revealed that almost 60 percent of top decision-makers have already found value in green initiatives and experts predict that number will grow to 88 percent within the next three years.

Additional results from the study include:
• Government and internal management are strong drivers of green initiatives
• Sixty percent of CFOs acknowledge the market differentiation that sustainability and green practices provide
• Sixty-three percent of CEOs recognize the financial benefits of green building
• Fifty-seven percent of those surveyed think green fosters innovation within their companies

To read more results from this study, click here.