The last three years have brought drought conditions to many communities. According to a recent survey conducted by Waterless Co., LLC, 55 percent of facility executives indicated some type of water restriction was imposed during those droughts.
Typically, water restrictions include limitations on irrigating landscaping and minimizing or eliminating home car washing. When the drought is serious, actual limitations on the amount of water that may be used daily are imposed.
Among the survey findings were:
• Seventy-three percent do consider the amount of water used by a restroom fixture during the selection process.
• When asked about the amount of water a new toilet can use per flush under Federal law, about 40 percent indicated 1.2 gallons, which is incorrect; the correct answer, selected by 27 percent of respondents, is 1.6 gallons.

• When asked if they were familiar with waterless urinals, 91 percent noted "yes." 

• When asked if they have heard of dual-flush toilets, 77 percent indicated "yes."

• When asked if they were aware of compressed-air toilets, about 54 percent selected "yes."

"Finally, we asked how much the respondents believe water and sewer rates have gone up in the past five years," says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co.  "Interestingly, most of the respondents (41 percent) were not sure."
In fact, only nine percent were aware that water and sewer rates, on a national level, have increased about five percent annually.