Blurred image of women trying to save a unconscious man, while waiting for 911 assistance

Injuries among janitors are quite common, according to a survey conducted this year by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. 

Nearly 20 percent of the 660 survey respondents said they have been injured on the job in the last 12 months.  Fifteen percent said they are “likely” or “extremely likely” to fall due to slipping or tripping on the job.

Shared in the department’s Janitorial Workload Newsletter, the survey also showed that 91 percent of the janitors reported they had to work very fast, with 17 percent saying they seldom or never have enough time in their shift to complete the job. Contributing to the tall task of getting the job done is the fact that 18 percent of janitors reported that there needs to be more people hired to carryout the work. A third of those surveyed said the tools or equipment they are given to perform their job are of “poor” or “fair” quality. An even greater number (35 percent) said that the quality of tools and equipment they use negatively impacts their job performance.

According to the newsletter, some of the findings in the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries survey are similar to those in a survey conducted by the United Workers Union of Australia.