Taking green survey

Contributed by The Ashkin Group

One of the best ways a company can advance its sustainability journey and engage staffers in the process is to have a quiz, according to Steve Ashkin, the professional cleaning industry's leading advocate for sustainability and green cleaning.

"Quizzes are not necessarily just for evaluating how much we know. Their bigger roles are to motivate learning, improve knowledge retention, and help us better understand a topic, such as sustainability."

According to Ashkin, it is to accomplish these bigger roles that he has prepared the following sustainability quiz. He suggests it should be taken by all staffers in an organization "including the C-suite."  

Among the key questions are the following:

In your own words, tell us what does sustainability mean to you?

Which one of the following addresses your thoughts about sustainability? 

( ) It is essential and something we should address now.

( ) We should start looking into it in the future.

( ) I don't know enough about it to say.

( ) I do not believe it is important.

Will sustainability help our company grow?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Not sure.

Will our customers appreciate our sustainability initiatives?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Not sure.

If you believe sustainability will help our company, how? (Click your top three choices from the list below.)

( ) Improve business profits.

( ) Help reduce risk.

( ) Help our business grow.

( ) Build customer loyalty.

( ) Increase our standing in the community.

( ) Help us differentiate our company from competitors.

( ) Help us retain employees and attract new employees.

Is our company communicating its sustainability efforts adequately to you and our staff? 

( ) Yes

( ) No

Tell us how we can get you and others in the company more focused on sustainability?  

"You can use your staff's responses to these questions as a reference point to gauge their comprehension and opinions regarding sustainability," says Ashkin. "The answers will also help you determine the necessary next steps you need to take to ensure everyone is onboard, understands sustainability, and all it entails."

For relate content, read about the importance of sustainability-focused vendors here.