While students enjoy summer break, custodians at one school district in Orange County, Florida, will continue learning, according to an article on the News 96.5 website.
Orange County Public Schools’ custodians are learning how best to clean school buildings to prevent children from getting sick.
The school district’s 1,100 custodians will gather at Oak Ridge High School for a daylong training session to learn new cleaning techniques. The retraining is aimed at preventing cross-contamination.
“In the past, you have one school that may have a process where they use a bucket and a mop, and they clean a classroom, then they move to the next classroom,” Orange County Public Schools' Kevin Ballinger said in the article. “And until they feel by their own mind that this bucket needs to be empty, you are basically cross contaminating between the classrooms.”
The district also plans to introduce a new electrostatic sprayer, which will allow custodians to disinfect deeper than surfaces.
Read the full article here.