Tennant Co., issued the following statement from Tennant Company Vice President and General Counsel Heidi Wilson in response to recent comments made by German competitor, Karcher.
“We believe that Karcher’s latest statement on March 8, 2012 is misleading, and we are sending Karcher a letter to cease and desist.  We unequivocally stand behind all of the advertising claims we have made about ec-H2O technology.
“Frankly, we are surprised by Karcher’s actions, given that the only legal authority to issue a comment regarding our ec-H2O advertising, the UK Trading Standards Service, decided to take no further action after examining evidence supporting our ec-H20 technology ad claims.
“The fact that product marketing messages evolve over time should come as no surprise – with Tennant or any other company. Our ec-H2O technology has been in the marketplace for four years and sales continue to grow because ec-H2O works.”