The most-viewed news stories on CleanLink this past month included some noteworthy trends. First off, when the big players in distribution make moves, people listen — as evidenced by notable announcements from Imperial Dade and BradyIFS claiming three of the top four spots in August. An additional trend was discovered in readers seeking advice on business and employee management trends. With turnover and employee retention still rampant issues, it comes as little surprise to see articles on 'quiet quitting' and stress management crack the top 10 as well.
But that's not all. Check out the entire list below for the best CleanLink had to offer in August.
1. Imperial Dade Expands in Minnesota
2. Why Soaps and Sanitizers are Overused in Public Settings
3. Registration for Imperial Dade's Innovations Expo Opens
4. BradyIFS Names JanSan Sales Support Award Winner
5. John P. Walker Professional Development Center for Cleaning Operations Opens
6. Emerging Technologies Changing the Facilities Management Landscape
7. 3 Signs of ‘Quiet Quitting’ in the Workplace
8. CleanTelligent Software Announces Rebranding
9. What to Know About Citric Acid-Based Cleaning Solutions
10. 3 Tips for Handling Stress as a Manager