Even though distributor customers reopened and expanded capacity over the course of 2022, it certainly wasn't a year without obstacles. From hiring difficulties to supply chain challenges, being ready at a moment's-notice was required.
A wide variety of topics dominated the top headlines for this year, chief among them were tips for helping end users keep restrooms hygiene-centric, preventing infections in other parts of facilities, and staying in the loop on the latest cleaning technologies entering the fold. Check out the top 10 Sanitary Maintenance features from 2022 below.
1. Tips And Tricks For Efficient Restroom Cleaning
2. Foam vs. Bulk Soap: Cost Considerations
3. Touchless Restroom Fixtures Meet Occupant Preferences
4. Innovation Trends for the Cleaning Industry
5. Preventing Infections in Foodservice Areas
6. Communication is Key to Sales Success for Jan/San Distributors
7. Supply Chain To Be Tangled All Year
8. How Inflation Affects Private Labeling
9. Tips to Leading Millennials in the Cleaning Industry
10. Hiring Tips During The Great Resignation