Contributed by CloroxPro

As the pandemic has progressed throughout the year, professionals in the cleaning industry have been dealing with misleading claims in the marketplace regarding what disinfectant products are effective, and how long they are effective, against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. When considering the use of antimicrobial products, it’s important to understand what certain claims mean, what types of pathogens they relate to and what claims the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does and does not allow.

To help simplify the process for cleaning professionals, CloroxPro outlined some things to consider when evaluating products for use against SARS-CoV-2:

- There are three types of residual, or long-lasting claims, that can appear on an EPA-approved master label. The claims only apply to bacteria or fungi, not viruses. Therefore, these claims are not sufficient to support use against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.

- There are products with resistant or protection claims, known as treated articles. These treatments can protect the surface itself but are not appropriate for controlling the spread of COVID-19.

- To determine which residual efficacy claims a specific product carries, look up the EPA master label and search it for the key terms listed in Table 1.

More tips are outlined in this blog post on residual disinfection claims.