Beginning in 2001 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services stepped up their scrutiny of hospital acquired infections, or HAIs, reducing or withholding outright payments to hospitals where patients contracted infections during or as a result of their stay. In August 2015, it was reported that 2,592 hospitals would be hit with penalties, resulting in a combined loss of $420 million.

Numbers like this are forcing health care providers to take notice and improve cleaning and disinfecting processes that result in reduced HAIs. For that reason, CleanLink is offering free online education on effective infection control.

A live online tutorial will be presented on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 2:00 Central. Lead by industry experts, David Thompson of the Green Cleaning Institute, and Darrel Hicks, author and former EVS manager, the webcast will provide a roadmap to better HAI prevention and response, which can be implemented in a variety of health care settings.

Continuing education credits (CEU) are also available for attendees of this hour-long presentation.

For more information and registration, click here.