Hotels around the Iowa city of Dubuque are banning together to wipe away a number of issues one roll of toilet paper at a time.
Nearly 20 hotels are pitching in to build a massive toilet paper pyramid in the city’s Steeple Square, reports KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Estimated to be 20 feet high as of last week, the pyramid will eventually be torn down, with its more than 4,000 rolls of toilet paper being distributed to charities.
The rolls of toilet paper, whose ply has not been disclosed, will be given to the Dubuque Food Pantry, Dubuque Rescue Mission, The Dubuque Dream Center and the charity Open Doors.
The final recipients of the toilet paper could very well be staff members of these hotels. The general manager of Hotel Julien Dubuque says members of its staff use some of the services provided by these charities.