The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is showcasing specific LEED credits for schools through the #TheresACreditForThat campaign, according to an article on the LEED website.
The USGBC lists the LEED v4 credits that are most effective for schools. They include:
• The Daylight credit, which helps connect building occupants reduce electricity use by introducing natural light into the space. Schools can introduce daylighting in a number of ways.
Improve lighting in classrooms by taking simple steps, such as removing children’s artwork from the windows or opening blinds to let sunshine in.
• The Low Emitting Materials credit reduces concentrations of chemical contaminants. Schools are encouraged to ensure that interior building materials are low-VOC.
Schools can also perform an indoor air quality (IAQ) walk-through of to develop strategies to improve. The U.S. EPA's IAQTools for Schools Action Kit offeres guidance
A green cleaning program can be implemented by training the school facilities staff and custodial team on the importance of green cleaning in reducing environmental hazards and protecting community health. The USGBC Healthy Schools Campaign’s Green Clean Schools Program offers a list of steps:
1: Prepare the school
Step 1 walks you through essential preparations for building a green cleaning program, such as creating a green team and assessing your current program.
2: Identify green cleaning products
This step is designed to take the guesswork out of evaluating products and help you identify those that meet high standards for effectiveness, health and safety.
3: Introduce green equipment and supplies
Today’s tools can reduce chemical use, increase productivity and help decrease injuries. This offers guidance on making the right green equipment and supply choices.
4: Adopt green cleaning training and procedures
Green cleaning procedure goals are to reduce health risks and minimize environmental impact. This step outlines how you can get your procedures to line up with those goals.
5: Share the responsibility
Everyone plays a role in maintaining a healthy environment. This step describes ways that students, teachers, administrators, unions and contractors can share the responsibility.
Read the full article here.