Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) — health care facilities focused on providing same-day surgical care, including diagnostic and preventive procedures — were most frequently cited for deficiencies in safety and the environment during 2017 surveys. According to reports from Becker's ASC Review, the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program's (HFAP) 2018 Quality Review found the top ASC citations include dust and dead insects.
Infection control standard 12.00.02. was the top-cited deficiency for ASCs. The standard requires centers to maintain a functional and sanitary environment for surgical services in all areas of the facility "to avoid sources and transmission of infections and communicable diseases."
Common issues behind citations in relation to standard 12.00.02 were:
• Procedure table frames showed large areas of rust.
• Visible accumulations of dust were apparent on exhaust vents in operating and procedure rooms.
• Dust and dead insects were present on gas valves.
• Hand hygiene practice as observed was inconsistent with ASC policy.
Other citations related to work flow (access to non-sterile functional areas through clean storage), housekeeping and condition of equipment.
The Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program suggested the report be used by facility professionals in conjunction with the relevant HFAP accreditation manual and/or the most recent deficiency report.
“If you find that your organization’s deficiencies align with the common citations, don’t reinvent the wheel. Consider that your peers may have found solutions that will also work for you. Look, too, to HFAP educational offerings (webinars and seminars) for best practices and tools,” the report advised.
Read the full article here.