So much we had grown accustomed to in the Jan/San industry was flipped on its head a year and a half ago, to the point where we almost forgot some of the trends that had been gaining steam before being abruptly halted. At the same time, that very upheaval also lead to a newfound appreciation for cleaning and a jump in interest both on product research and new players entering the industry. As we began to imagine a relative return to normalcy, Lyndon Penson of Foremost provided several industry trends for Cyan Labs regarding how he sees the industry looking in a post-COVID world.
Environmental Focus Returns
Prior to the onset of the pandemic, green cleaning and environmental concern had a full head of steam. Concerns over properly disposing PPE and avoiding single-use plastics soon became an afterthought in the world of touchpoint disinfection and infection control. Once COVID no longer looms at the severity that it is, expect more companies in the industry to return their focus on green/sustainable initiatives, reduce carbon emissions, and implement best practices for preserve the planet.
Clients Will Be More Educated
A general indifference toward everyday cleaning swept across many office sectors and other facility types in the pre-COVID area. Nowadays, however, the number of employees that clean/disinfect their own personal spaces, as well as express concern about cleaning frequencies. Expect those habits of conventional office staffs to continue into a post-COVID society, albeit not necessarily for toilets or windows.
On-Site Generation On Rise
Expect more facilities to have on-site access to hypochlorus acid (HOCL), stabilized aqueous ozone (SAO) and purified water via reverse osmosis. Penson believes this will be the case because disinfection frequencies are expected to maintain an elevated rate, the cost effectiveness of generating on-site, and growing requirements to have disinfectants on hand that are eco-friendly while also reducing plastic packaging waste.
PPE Classification Clarified
The heat of the pandemic lead to many equipment not technically considered PPE to fall under the umbrella — from wet wipes to thermostats and more. But, in hand with clients having a more concrete knowledge of the industry, expect the true term of PPE to return as it pertains to masks, disposable protective clothing items, and gloves. As a result, less confusion will occur when searching and purchasing for the right PPE on the market.
For the entire article, click here.