Building project teams pursuing certification under the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED® (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System now have the opportunity to view the Innovation & Design Credit Catalog — a listing of proven green building strategies that have been submitted and utilized by LEED Certified projects.

Building projects earn Innovation & Design LEED credits by demonstrating quantifiable environmental benefits through new strategies and techniques not specifically specified in the LEED Rating System — innovative strategies and techniques that go above and beyond.  Points, or credits, are awarded to projects that develop innovative solutions, employ new technologies and educate or demonstrate commendable performance.  When submitting an Innovation & Design credit, projects must outline the proposed innovative credit intent, requirements for compliance, and a summary of potential approaches that meet the requirements.

"The Innovation & Design credit category inspires new ideas and solutions that yield environmental benefits," said Brendan Owens, Vice President of LEED Technical Development, U.S. Green Building Council. "By publishing the catalog of credits online, we hope to inspire further breakthroughs in the green building industry."

The LEED Rating System is the USGBC's voluntary building certification program that defines high-performance green buildings, which are more environmentally responsible, healthier, and more profitable structures. LEED addresses a variety of buildings and building project types through individualized systems, including: new construction, existing buildings, commercial interiors, core & shell, homes and neighborhood development.

To view the Innovation & Design Credit Catalog click here.