United Airlines has joined the small list of airlines who are now using ultraviolet light to disinfect parts of their airplanes.
The Chicago-based airline has began disinfecting the flight decks on its planes with Ultraviolet C light technology, reports Fox Business. The flight decks are treated by using handheld AUVCo blades from American Ultraviolet, a UV light sterilization company. The decks undergo this disinfection when the planes are stationed at an airport.
In a statement, an official with the airlines says that flight decks are difficult to clean because they have so many components, parts and screens. By using UVC lighting instead of hand wipes or liquids, the airline is able to disinfect these sensitive areas quicker and more effectively.
United Airlines is also using electrostatic sprayers to disinfect surfaces in the cabins of its planes before passengers and flight crew begin to board.
JetBlue Airways recently began using Honeywell's new UV Cabin System as part of a pilot cleaning program. Details on that initiative can be found here.