Vectair Systems is supporting climate change projects around the world to make its flagship environmentally-friendly and non-aerosol aircare product V-Air SOLID completely carbon neutral.
V-Air SOLID was approved as meeting the Carbon Footprint Standard in July 2017, and Vectair has taken the next step for it to become completely carbon neutral by offsetting its carbon footprint.
Carbon offsetting is a way to reduce emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere – helping to combat global climate change as well as caring for local communities. Vectair has offset the carbon emissions from V-Air SOLID’s life cycle by making a cash contribution towards projects in various regions of the world. These projects are all recognized to international standards, including the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and Certified Emission Reductions (CER). These all meet the Quality Assurance Standard for Carbon Offsetting following a footprint calculation and BSI’s PAS 2060 specification on carbon neutrality.
UK Tree Planting and Reducing Deforestation in Brazil
Planting is a great way to help sequester carbon emissions. Vectair Systems is planting and protecting 31 trees - which through photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and wood. By ensuring that trees planted are native broad leaf species this helps to preserve the environment and biodiversity. Planting takes place in school locations and other protected biodiversity sites.
Breathing Space Improved Cooking Stoves – India
India’s domestic sector is one of its largest primary energy consumers with 75 percent of energy requirements met by fuel-wood and agricultural waste. Cooking alone is responsible for 90 percent of household energy consumption, and demand is increasing annually at a rate of 8.1 percent. As per the World Health Organization Comparative Risk Study, approximately 400,000 women and children die every year in India due to exposure to smoke from household use of solid fuels. The Breathing Space Program, by replacing traditional stoves, contributes towards solving the indoor air pollution problem by deploying cleaner and greener cooking stoves in addition to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Native Energy Clean Water Program – Central America
This project is focused on providing clean drinking water to households in the Republic of Honduras. It aims to reduce wood fuel consumption used for domestic/non-residential water treatment by introducing zero energy BioSand water filter technology to replace the use of boiling.
Wind Based Power Generation – India
This project generates power using a renewable energy source (wind) and sells the power generated to the state grid. The project activity involves the installation and maintenance of wind turbines. The power produced displaces an equivalent amount of power from the grid, which is fed mainly by fossil fuel fired power plants. Hence, it results in reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Paul Wonnacott, Managing Director and President, Vectair Systems says: “We are really proud of the projects that we support and for our customers to know that we give back to the environment. We have had a tremendous amount of good feedback to our V-Air SOLID air freshener and to the positive impact it has on the aircare market. Finding environmentally-friendly alternatives to more traditional fragrance systems has always been a priority of ours.”
The Carbon Footprint Assessment was carried out by Carbon Footprint Ltd, who are founding members of the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) for carbon offsetting. Carbon Footprint Ltd also runs the Carbon Academy for peer group learning, chairs the Sustainable Business Network (SBN) in its region, and provides input and advice to the UK Government on Low Carbon legislation.