Member companies attending the American Cleaning Institute 2013 Convention helped the non-profit group, Clean the World, assemble more than 2,200 hygiene kits that were donated to families in need in Seminole County, Fla.

The Convention, which took place Jan. 28 through Feb. 2 in Orlando, highlighted ACI’s partnership with Clean the World, an organization which collects discarded soaps, shampoos, conditioners and other hygiene products from more than 1,200 participating hotels and hospitality partners.

“Thanks to the generosity of ACI volunteers, we were able to donate more than 2,200 hygiene kits to the Families in Transition (FIT) program at Seminole County Public Schools,” said Clean the World co-founder and CEO Shawn Seipler. “Seminole is a suburban county on the north side of Orlando and was featured in a 2011 60 Minutes segment about the children of homeless families.”
With the help of FIT, students and their families receive assistance with enrollment procedures, transportation to their school of origin, school supplies, free breakfast and lunch, tutoring if needed, and referrals to local service agencies for additional services if necessary. The program works toward student stability and success in school.
“There is a great need for the supplies among a large population of homeless kids, so everything will be put to good use,” said Beth Davalos, coordinator of Seminole County’s FIT program. “All the donations go directly to the students. These children are going through trauma and need support to come out feeling empowered. We can get them through it with community help."
“ACI’s partnership and community service project with Clean the World was just one small way we could help provide better living to families in the Orlando area,” said Nancy Bock, ACI Senior Vice President of Education.