In its never ending quest to improve its customers’ shopping experiences, Water Cannon, Inc. is proud to present a fresh new user-friendly website at as part of its 30th anniversary celebration.

Since its inception in 1981, the company’s focus has been on ensuring customer satisfaction by providing the most exceptional customer shopping experience possible. All the bells and whistles on the new were included to satisfy a wide variety of customer demands. A powerful search feature allows website visitors to search, view and find the products they are looking for in seconds. An updated layout, including a simplified one-page checkout, means customers can buy their items in just a few clicks. Customers can also post and read customer reviews now for deeper insight into the products in which they are interested.

A new filtering feature on comparable to those offered by online retail giants like Amazon and eBay lets customers narrow the thousands of items Water Cannon sells by pressure per square inch (PSI), gallons per minute (GPM), price, manufacturer and more in order to pinpoint the exact items needed. Likewise, a compare feature provides customers with the option to compare related products based on product specifications, making it far simpler to determine which products and replacement parts will suit the equipment and/or jobs at hand.

“At Water Cannon, we aim to please our customers first and foremost, so when we realized a new website was necessary to make shopping online easier, we got started right away,” stated Water Cannon President Richard Kurtz. “We surveyed our customers to see what aspects of online shopping were most important and made sure our new website had all the latest features to not only satisfy customer expectations, but to exceed them.”