Waterless Co. Inc., a manufacturer serving the building, plumbing and janitorial industry, has launched a mini-campaign ahead of World Plumbing Day to recognize the strides of the plumbing industry and its importance to global health.
The event is March 11.  
Sponsored by the World Plumbing Council, World Plumbing Day is an international event designed to recognize the important role the plumbing industry plays in the health and safety of modern society. 
A bill introduced in the U.S. Congress recognizing World Plumbing Day goes a step further.
"Access to a clean water supply is something that many of us take for granted [here in the U.S.]," says Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) who introduced the bill. "But a lack of clean water and access to it has unfortunately led to death and illness around the globe. World Plumbing Day [is designed] to help raise awareness of this serious issue."
Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co., says the safety and abundance of clean water is a concern for many people around the globe.
"What we must also remember is the important work the plumbing industry does to alleviate these global problems and keep our own water clean, healthy, and available every day," says Reichardt. 
Throughout history there has been a close correlation between advances in mankind-physically, socially, and intellectually-and advances in plumbing technology, especially the invention and use of drain traps, according to Reichardt.
A plumbing or drain trap is a curved pipe located underneath a plumbing fixture. It serves two main purposes: First, a trap prevents the entry of odors into a building and secondly, a trap catches items that may cause major clogs or blockages.
"The two are inextricably linked and we must thank the plumbing industry, on March 11 and every day, for its vital contributions to people everywhere," Reichardt says. 
The Vista, Calif. company announced it will be making regular postings on their Facebook and other social media sites in honor of the upcoming holiday.