Green exclamation point

Contributed by The Ashkin Group

The US Green Building Council (USGBC) is proposing several changes to its LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations + Maintenance Rating System Version 5 (LEED-EB: O+M V5). 

The proposed changes, if implemented, could set our industry back significantly and disregard all the hard work, time, resources, and progress our industry has made in improving cleaning effectiveness, reducing cleanings impact on the environment, and protecting human health.

Fortunately, Version 5 is now open for public comment, allowing industry members to express their views and thoughts about Version 5 directly to the USGBC. (See how below).

Your comments will help ensure that the USGBC better recognizes the critical role of cleaning in safeguarding occupant health and in supporting over one hundred million frontline workers in the cleaning industry around the world. 

“The critical issue with Version 5 is that it undervalues cleaning,” says Steve Ashkin, "father of green cleaning" and the leading advocate for sustainability in the cleaning industry. “This is a disservice to our industry, our customers, and the communities we serve.”

Ashkin goes on to say that while he applauds many of the new initiatives proposed in Version 5, “when it comes to our industry and professional cleaning, we need to work together to improve LEED-EB: O+M V5, address the issues just mentioned along with other shortcomings.” 

Among these shortcomings are the following:  

• Version 5 eliminates the green cleaning prerequisite, which goes back over a decade and has become an established standard in our industry.

• It eliminates requirements on management systems and the number of points earned for green cleaning.

• It does not adequately address social equity issues in our industry.

To learn more, ISSA and The Ashkin Group are hosting a free webinar on April 22, 2024, at noon Central Time. This online seminar will provide a deeper dive into LEED-EB:O+M V5’s implications.

It will also discuss how we can voice our thoughts about Version 5 and better represent cleaning’s essential roles and the broader social equity considerations, especially for frontline cleaning staff.

“And one more thing,” says Ashkin. “Always remember while we can’t make it perfect, collectively, we can make it better!”

How to express your comments directly to the USGBC regarding Version 5:

1. Go to: LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations + Maintenance Rating System Version 5 (LEED-EB: O+M V5).

2. Create an Account in the upper right corner.

3. At the top of the page, under “Select a Rating System,” make sure “LEED O+M: Existing Buildings” is selected in the drop down.

4. Next to it, under “Select a Version,” make sure “v5 - public Comment 1” is selected in the drop down.

5. In the search bar below, query “cleaning.”

6. “Green Cleaning Indoor Environmental Quality” will appear.

7. If you like, familiarize yourself with what the USGBC says here.

8. To make a comment, click on the 'Comment' button towards the top of the page. A box will open to your right, making it easy to make your comment.