Employees at Workplace Essentials are proud to be some of the “greenest” employees in their industry. This month, the company announced their switch to a paperless sales process — a change which is estimated to save at least $20,000 a year in printed sales materials, not to mention the reduction of paper waste.

“When we took a closer look at the amount of paper materials we produced for our sales force we were astounded,” said Linda Pace, President of Workplace Essentials. “Our 30 page sales presentation alone was reprinted every six months, and we had shelves stacked with new and outdated brochures. Order forms were printed in triplicate with a number of processing copies made along the way, and that is even before invoicing. Since we are so committed to incorporating the green initiative in everything we do, we knew we needed to make a change.”

On June 1, 2012, Workplace Essentials launched a new paperless initiative starting with its sales force. The company announced that they would no longer be printing the brochures, sales forms, presentation binders or informational sheets that they had relied upon for years. Sales team members are now equipped with state-of-the-art tablet PCs containing newly designed digital versions of these documents while also enjoying a better, easier way of presenting Workplace Essentials’ range of products and services to their clients.

“These new tools are not only going to reduce our need for paper, but will also speed up the sales process in so many ways,” said Northern Regional Sales Manager Marlene Scott. “Before we used to have so much paperwork to complete and mail to the office. Now everything is instantly communicated on our tablets and our customers appreciate receiving the information right away, too!”

“We strive to do our part in protecting our environment in whatever way we can,” said Pace. “It is our hope that other businesses, no matter their size, will see our efforts and will implement greener initiatives in their own operations.”