Global FM, the Global Facilities Management Association, is pleased to announce the fourth annual World FM Day  to take place in less than a month on Thursday, June 28.
The core message of 2012's World FM Day is 'celebrating success.'  Global FM member organizations on six different continents will commemorate World FM Day by hosting events all around the world such as luncheons, seminars, cocktails and workshops, or by undertaking any other activity to celebrate and promote facilities management. Global FM leadership invites everyone to share their latest achievements and successes as a FM professional, as a team, company or country. The goal this year is to use World FM Day as a platform to celebrate all the successes achieved by the FM professionals and industry around the world.

As in previous years, a communications support package is available for download at Global FM's website, including the animated logo with the message celebrating success rotating in nine different languages; the World FM Day banner, email signature, power point presentation and other tools to help you organize your event on June 28. The World FM Day 2012 Google Map is also being populated with activities all over the world. Please make sure your event is listed there, so everyone knows what will be happening.  

A promotional video was released early May with a message from Teena Shouse and Duncan Waddell inviting FMers around the world to join the celebrations.

Duncan Waddell, Chair of World FM Day Taskforce stated: "I don't know about you but I wake every day looking forward to my work and life involvement in the World of Facilities Management. I have made so many wonderful friends around the world during my career and it always fantastic to catch up with them and share news of what's going on in their FM world. It's like having a global family. I encourage all in the Global FM fraternity to participate in celebrating what we do in our work lives with your family, friends and work mates on World FM Day. FM…I love it and what we do together around the world. Have a great celebration!"