
Super Oxygen LED lights are photo-catalytic in effect, taking place in the visible light spectrum. This technology can be applied to any 5000K light bulb or light cover, in order for the technology to function best. Odor elimination at the molecular level against cigarette smell, musty odors, paint, pet dander, to name just a few, is just one of its features. It also breaks down bacteria, mold and viruses.
LED lights

WebsiteSuper Oxygen LED lights are photo-catalytic in effect, taking place in the visible light spectrum. This technology can be applied to any 5000K light bulb or light cover, in order for the technology to function best. Odor elimination at the molecular level against cigarette smell, musty odors, paint, pet dander, to name just a few, is just one of its features. It also breaks down bacteria, mold and viruses.
Products for the Building Service Contractor, In-House Custodial Manager & Jan/San Distributor