
Whiff! by ReliOx is safe and effective way to eliminate odors on demand. It has a patented pH neutral aqueous chlorine dioxide generator which produces a safe, fast-acting and cost-effective chlorine dioxide output that permanently eliminates odors without leaving behind any perfume or bleach-like smell. No masking, no harmful residue. For commercial and consumer use for malodors in public restrooms, commercial kitchens and waste areas to HVAC units, mold and mildew, and unpleasant smells.

Reliox Corporation
WebsiteWhiff! by ReliOx is safe and effective way to eliminate odors on demand. It has a patented pH neutral aqueous chlorine dioxide generator which produces a safe, fast-acting and cost-effective chlorine dioxide output that permanently eliminates odors without leaving behind any perfume or bleach-like smell. No masking, no harmful residue. For commercial and consumer use for malodors in public restrooms, commercial kitchens and waste areas to HVAC units, mold and mildew, and unpleasant smells.
Products for the Building Service Contractor, In-House Custodial Manager & Jan/San Distributor