How is your company using social media (in marketing, recruiting, etc.)?

We have used it in marketing but not recruitment as of yet. In terms of marketing we have see some success from a product and platform promotional advantage to current customers.
— Chris Nolan, President, H.T. Berry, Canton, Massachusetts

During the last six months we have launched our Maintex Facebook page. We are creating YouTube videos featuring interesting products and company information.  We use these tools for marketing efforts but have not as yet initiated active employment recruitment through social media.
— Linda Silverman, President, Maintex, City of Industry, California

We utilize it in training programs via YouTube segments and others mediums, but geared towards, and within, our market segment of expertise.
— George Abiaad, President, Royal Corp., Santa Fe Springs, California

We have a presence and following on all of the social media platforms, and have a blog site that showcases our culture, capabilities and expertise. Our e-commerce team continually monitors these sites and updates them constantly.
— Jim Smith, Executive Vice President, HP Products, Indianapolis

We are on Facebook and LinkedIn, we just recently used both for recruiting purposes and were able to hire two great additions to our salesforce from them. Both platforms allow for free opportunities to reach a vast network of individuals who either directly or indirectly may have interest in your position. We do some marketing on Facebook but have found that it has generated little success. Our biggest success has been in recruiting.
— Eric Cadell, Vice President of Operations, Dutch Hollow Janitorial Supplies, Belleville, Illinois

We do have a Facebook page but haven't utilized it to its fullest yet. It will be a focus for us in the future, we can see it becoming a popular communication tool.
— Scott Uselman, Manager and Director of Sales, High Point Sanitary Solutions, Houston

We have been using LinkedIn to obtain sales leads as well as learn more about the people we are targeting. One great feature is that when you connect with one person, say a facilities director, and many times they will be connected to other facilities directors. This is a great way to prospect for new clients.  In addition by looking at the person’s LinkedIn profile, you can learn more about them so you are more prepared on the initial sales call.
— Andrew S. Parker, Vice President, T. Frank McCall's Inc., Chester, Pennsylvania

Dan Weltin is the editor-in-chief of Sanitary Maintenance and Contracting Profits

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Attracting Millennials To Jan/San With Technology
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Equip Jan/San Sales Reps With Tablets And Smartphones