Perhaps most importantly, the BABIES Act provides distributors with an opportunity to improve their service.

“There are facilities that are on top of new regulations, whether it is this or something else, and they are reaching out to us to tell us their plan and what they need and [ask] about what the options we can provide them are,” says Martini. “But I also feel there is still a certain segment that, because there are so many new laws and regulations that we are all trying to keep up on, that we kind of proactively go to some of our customers or prospects to share with them what we’re seeing or what is being mandated so that they stay in compliance. It reiterates our value proposition as being a consultant.”

For Martini, this is part and parcel of the larger trend in distribution. In order to compete with online sellers and big-box stores, jan/san distributors must prove their value as a consultant for changes in the market such as this one.

Understanding the new law “solidifies our position as a partner and consultant on general facility maintenance,” he says.

Of course, opportunities for add-on sales related to the changing tables will be most prevalent with customers operating in qualifying federal buildings. But even if a distributor doesn’t have any such customers, the BABIES Act still presents an opportunity to broach the subject with existing customers and create additional business.

“I think it’s just mandated for federal buildings right now, and we do have some of those in our area,” says Hernandez. “But often what I tell my clients is that even though this is just mandated for federal buildings, it could spread to other buildings.”

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New Baby Changing Table Law Presents Sales Opportunities
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What Baby Changing Station Law Means For ADA Compliance