Las Vegas

Typical visitors to Las Vegas usually spend ample time rolling dice, cranking the levers of slot machines and spinning the roulette wheel. But if you’re more of the risk-averse type, this year’s ISSA Show North America promises to be a safe bet for attendees and exhibitors looking to advance cleaning for health.

The annual convention and trade show takes place from Nov. 15-18 in the newly expanded West Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). Visitors can rest assured that they will be safe as they navigate the show floor: In 2020, LVCC earned STAR Facility Accreditation from the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of ISSA, for its cleaning, disinfection and infection prevention protocols. Furthermore, the event’s official cleaning provider, United Services, is a GBAC STAR-accredited service contractor.

After conducting much of their 2021 business virtually due to COVID-19, distributors will appreciate a change of pace as they walk the exhibit floor, connecting with colleagues face-to-face and meeting with exhibitors for hands-on product demonstrations. The all-access pass grants distributors entry to the exhibit hall plus all educational sessions, as well as invitation-only networking events.

“I am most looking forward to seeing the industry together again after two years to share insights, experience, view products and see innovation,” says Amie Gilmore, show director.

“There is a great lineup of speakers at ISSA Show North America, as well as numerous networking opportunities.”

Home to more than 500 exhibiting companies, the trade show floor is divided into specialty areas and pavilions designed for attendees to target specific areas of interest. For those who need help navigating the show floor, ISSA staff members will be on hand from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Nov. 16 to answer questions and offer guidance. Attendees can also download the ISSA Show mobile app to orient themselves on the floor, as well as plan and edit personal schedules.

Companies that are new to the ISSA Show will be grouped in the FirstTime Exhibitor Pavilion. Additional pavilions will feature vendors focused on international products, residential cleaning, and specialty cleaning and restoration, among others.

With the easing of restrictions in Las Vegas, distributors will also have the chance to network after-hours at a variety of receptions, parties and events.

On Monday, Nov. 15, ISSA members can enjoy drinks and a panoramic view of the Las Vegas skyline from the brand-new terrace of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Happy hour will be followed by the ISSA Welcome Reception from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Beer Park in the Paris Hotel. Here, ISSA members can sample a variety of beers while mingling with colleagues prior to the week’s events.

A series of roundtable discussions takes place on Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. These question-and-answer sessions allow attendees to share ideas and gain valuable feedback from other cleaning industry professionals that can be used to grow and advance their business.

Educational Offerings

Beginning on Nov. 15, attendees will once again have the opportunity to participate in ISSA’s educational conference program, consisting of 65-plus sessions covering everything from business management and succession planning to emerging technologies and infection control. Sessions are divided into eight tracks catering to different market segments. Attendees will also have the opportunity to earn certifications for completing courses via ISSA’s eight workshops.

The Distributor Track offers a variety of sessions covering topics such as digital marketing, warehouse management and business strategies post-COVID. Highlights include “Cash Flow Management as a Competitive Weapon” on Monday; “Age of Acceleration within the Distribution Sector” on Monday; and “How to Pivot from Defensive to Offensive & Scale Up Your Distribution Business” on Wednesday. Distributors can also attend sessions from other industry-specific tracks to better understand the responsibilities and challenges of facility cleaning managers and building service contractors.

In addition to the educational tracks, the show floor will feature 30-minute interactive education sessions and demos throughout the week in the Solve for X Theater (Booth W7635), Specialty Cleaning and Restoration Theater (Booth W6729), and the Innovation Center (Booth W266).

Solve for X sessions will identify some of the key business challenges facing today’s cleaning professionals and offer possible solutions in an interactive environment. Sessions of interest for distributors include “What is Going on in Washington? A Legislative and Regulatory Update” on Tuesday; “Managing for Productivity” on Wednesday; and “Industry Leaders Roundtable” on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Specialty Cleaning and Restoration Theater will offer a variety of sessions covering best practices and strategies for growth and competitive advantage in sectors such as healthcare and residential cleaning.

The Innovation Center is home to many of ISSA’s In- novation Award Program entries. Here, attendees can view cutting-edge products and technologies and see them in action during live demonstrations.

Details outlined below are effective as of Sept. 27. For up-to-date info, visit

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ISSA Highlights Big Draws For Vegas Show