Corinne Zudonyi, editor in chief

In 2005, I was asked to have a breakfast meeting with a team of executives from Trade Press Publishing Corp. to discuss leading one of their cleaning publications. There were three men present at the meeting. One I knew as the editorial director, the other was the CEO (he asked all the questions) and the third was a publisher named Rob Geissler.  

I only remember a few things from that stressful interview, but one thing I do recall was that while I was too nervous to eat, Rob was laser-focused on the massive breakfast buffet. The memory always makes me chuckle, which perfectly sums up the kind of guy Rob is. No matter how difficult or stressful the situation, he is there offering a smile. 

Sadly, after an impressive 37 years serving the jan/san industry, Rob has announced his retirement. This is his last issue in what has been a long and remarkable career. 

Rob Geissler started at Trade Press as a salesperson for Sanitary Maintenance magazine in 1986, working his way up to publisher and then group publisher. During his tenure, he’s helped launch two additional jan/san publications, a website, an industry-specific search engine, social platforms, virtual trade shows (long before the COVID-19 pandemic made them commonplace), in-person summits, studies, reports and so much more.  

Rob has also represented the industry locally with years of participation in the Southeastern Wisconsin Sanitary Supply Association, nationally at more than 30 ISSA conventions, and internationally as a jury member of Interclean Amsterdam’s Innovation Award for 15 years.  

Through all this time, he’s maintained a close relationship with industry manufacturers and readers alike. He’s well-loved and most widely known for his robust and infectious laugh, spreading smiles everywhere he goes.  

Those of us behind the scenes of Sanitary Maintenance are going to miss his guidance and leadership, but mostly his friendship. Please join me in wishing Rob every bit of happiness in this next chapter of his life.  


As Rob moves on to new adventures, I’m happy to announce that we have a strong team in place to steer the group into the future. April Preisler, a steady presence on this jan/san team since 2010, is stepping up as Associate Publisher. Laurie Vega is also formally joining as Commercial Cleaning and Facilities Group Publisher after working behind the scenes since 2016.