ROI concept

While closing any sale can be difficult, buying groups can equip distributors with the tools and resources that help seal the deal for educational institutions. 

Even though cost savings are a major benefit, buying groups offer a broader value proposition. They empower distributors to focus on their most successful areas demonstrating the value of their products and building lasting relationships with educational customers. With access to a network of informed buyers and a wealth of resources, a distributor can become a trusted advisor not just a salesperson. 

Comparative Analysis: Buying groups often possess data on pricing and product performance across various brands. Distributors can use this data to create comparative analyses for potential clients, showcasing the cost-effectiveness and superior performance of their proposed cleaning solutions. 

“My group has quarterly vendor promotions that each run for periods of two months,” adds Jeff Tishko, owner, Colker Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Some of these deals are great, and it helps me save money with all the orders that I place. These vendor promotions are exclusive to buying group members, and they’re emailed out to everyone and posted on a members-only website.” 

Case Studies and Testimonials: Access to case studies highlighting successful cleaning products and equipment implementations within other educational institutions can significantly strengthen proposals. Distributors can leverage these success stories to demonstrate the effectiveness of their solutions in similar settings. 

Sustainability Considerations: Educational institutions are increasingly prioritizing environmentally friendly practices. Distributors should tailor their proposals to emphasize the eco-friendly attributes of their cleaning products and equipment, portraying their offerings as sustainable and cost-effective solutions.  

“Sometimes, it’s also about the products that aren't actively pushing. At our most recent show, one of our members told me how he made a small fortune selling doorstops into primary and secondary schools. He credited it all to a meeting he had at a past DPA conference,” remarks Haines. 

Building Relationships and Trust 

Building trust and establishing long-term relationships with educational institutions are critical for long-term success. Buying groups can assist distributors in this endeavor through several avenues. 

Buying groups often organize joint training sessions and educational workshops geared towards the specific needs of the educational cleaning sector. These events provide distributors with the opportunity to showcase their expertise to educational cleaning professionals, fostering trust, and positioning them as valuable resource partners. 

We’ve found that distributors are more likely to sell what they know, and buyers are more likely to buy from companies that can demonstrate product knowledge and expertise. That is why in 2024, DPA made major investments in training technology for both distributors and at the end-user level,” says Haines. 

Customer service and support is also critical. Many buying groups offer access to dedicated customer service and support teams with extensive knowledge of the educational cleaning market. These support systems empower distributors to provide exceptional customer service to educational facilities, building goodwill and strengthening relationships. 

The ability to stay organized helps buying groups advocate for distributors on a national level, ensuring their voices are heard within the educational cleaning industry. This collaborative approach strengthens the overall value proposition of distributors, demonstrating their commitment to serving the unique needs of the educational sector. 

The educational cleaning market presents a complex landscape rife with challenges for distributors. However, by leveraging the power of buying groups, distributors can gain a significant competitive edge. Through enhanced cost-effectiveness, streamlined procurement, valuable market insights, and access to key decision makers, buying groups empower distributors to build lasting partnerships with educational institutions. Ultimately, a successful partnership benefits all stakeholders: distributors secure lucrative contracts, educational facilities gain access to efficient cleaning solutions at competitive prices, and a clean and healthy learning environment is established for students and educators alike. 

Jackson Silvanik is the managing editor of Sanitary Maintenance, Facility Cleaning Decisions, and Contracting Profits magazines, as well as 

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How Buying Groups Can Supercharge Educational Sales for Distributors