Do you remember that as a kid the worst thing you could get was someone else’s germs wiped on you? Well, even as adults that mentality is still there — no one wants someone else’s germs, especially the ones found in public restrooms. Distributors know that touch-free washroom products and equipment are hot sellers and that it’s easy to take advantage of that opportunity to sell them to more facilities.

Many distributors help educate end users on the benefits of touch-free washroom equipment, including its cost-effectiveness, its ability to eliminate germs, how it can reduce waste, and more.

Nothing to Fear But Germs Themselves
Nearly 30 percent of Americans avoid public restrooms out of fear of germs, according to a recent poll conducted by Georgia-Pacific Corp., Atlanta. Many of the common illnesses transmitted in public restrooms include colds and flu, skin infections, intestinal illnesses and also potentially fatal illnesses, such as those caused by salmonella bacteria, E. coli and hepatitis.

Thus, many patrons are frightened. Distributors can show customers how touch-free systems help reduce the risk of cross contamination in restrooms.

Mother Knows Best
Good personal hygiene and proper hand-washing techniques (using soap and hot water for at least 30 seconds) prevent the majority of germ transmissions, according to such health experts as the National Health Information Center, Washington.

The risk of cross contamination drastically decreases when touch-free products and equipment is installed and used in public restrooms.

Touch-free products and equipment can also greatly reduce the amount of bacteria transmitted. Distributors can sell end users on the health benefit of prevention that these products offer.

Mike Johns, sales manager at DSR Co., a distributor located in Anaheim, Calif., agrees that end users are looking for reassurance from distributors before they make purchases. They want to be educated on the product’s performance. “Buyers are usually most concerned with safety, mainly that surfaces will be clear of germs,” he says.