I spent a good portion of my free time last month cleaning. Not only did I clean two apartments in my recently acquired investment property, but I also participated in my third Operation Clean Sweep since joining SM.
I think its safe to say that cleaning is not glamorous it is hard work (and I have the back pain to prove it). The payoff, however, is that when you witness a facilitys or an apartment buildings transformation into something more attractive, and more sanitary, you feel an amazing sense of accomplishment.
That high, no doubt, is one of the things that gets your customers up in the morning (or evening). Giving them the tools they need to do their jobs efficiently is expected; if you go a step further and make their jobs noticeably easier and the cleaning crews themselves more cost effective they wont soon forget it.
For me, it would have been an exercise in futility if I would have had to wash the smoke-stained walls in my apartments with anything less than a commercial-strength degreaser. Similarly, if we didnt have an arsenal of cleaning products for Clean Sweep wipes, cloths, disinfectants and deodorizers, to name a few we wouldnt have made nearly the impact we did. The right products for the job, combined with our window-cleaning crews, floor-cleaning and power-washing equipment, allowed us to facilitate a profound tranformation for our chosen facility.
We had 71 Clean Sweep volunteers from southeastern Wisconsin on September 18 a record for our group. We finished that day knowing that wed made a difference. To read about the impact made by Clean Sweep participants throughout the United States, click here.

Cleaning Has The Power To Leave An Indelible Mark
BY Seiche Sanders