Chemical proportioners can save building service contractors and housekeeping departments significant money, but they can also save another kind of green — the environment. 
“[Chemical proportioners] have green benefits,” says Ryan Banks, vice president of sales and marketing for Brady Industries, Las Vegas.
“You’re refilling existing bottles instead of constantly introducing new bottles into the supply chain. Typically a highly concentrated chemical will make 64 quarts. There’s a green footprint in the packaging itself. Compare that with the packaging involved to ship 12 ready-to-use (RTU) quarts. You would have to ship five times as much packaging as the packaging needed for the concentrated chemical.”
Dilution control systems are also a necessity for businesses that are pursuing the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification, says Leland Fishman, president of Fishman Supply Co., in Petaluma, Calif.
“To be truly green you need to be using dilution control,” he says. “So when a Class A office building is looking to be LEED-certified, they’re looking to collect higher rents. And using dilution control systems is one way to get LEED points.”

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Chemical Dispensers Reduce Waste and Save Time