In just a couple weeks, Sanitary Maintenance will email out the ballots for its sixth Distributor Choice Awards, presented by DDI System. This annual recognition is a reader favorite and always one of our most read articles.
Once again, Sanitary Maintenance readers will help narrow down the hundreds of product nominations to just 40 winners. Distributors choose their favorite products based on a variety of reasons: most requested by customers; best problem-solver; most innovative; best-selling; and more.
Please keep an eye on your inbox in the coming weeks and take a few moments to fill out a ballot. We know that distributors don’t have time to sort through all 288 nominations, so the ballots have been randomly sorted to feature only 24 products. Voters can choose up to five of their favorites.
If you miss the first email, don’t worry, we’ll send out two reminders. If you don’t receive a ballot and would like to vote, email me at dan.weltin@tradepress.com, and I’ll send you a random ballot. Please note that only distributors can vote and I will only honor requests from them.
Winners will be announced on Sanitary Maintenance’s website, CleanLink.com, in April, and all 40 products will be featured in the June magazine. Thanks for voting!