Another functionality that is at the top of the list for jan/san distributors, when it comes to an ERP system, is mobility for sales representatives. With the advent of cloud computing, along with the evolution of smartphones and tablets, jan/san sales representatives are out of the office and more mobile than ever.

But a salesperson’s mobility is only as strong as the tools at his or her fingertips. This is where ERP functionality that provides remote access to internal product, inventory, pricing and billing information becomes essential. Salespeople can remain competitive and successful even though they are required to be on the move, meeting with clients, both current and prospective.

“With their smartphones or tablets, and the availability of the internet, sales rep can be anywhere in the world and have up-to-date information about their customers and their orders, as well as our inventory, cost and availability,” says Soon.

At Royal, each rep can set up his or her own alerts to be notified via email when specific criteria is triggered with a customer’s order. For example, if an order falls below a certain value or if items are on backorder, the rep will be notified.

“Sales reps no longer have to rely on reports at the end of the day to review their customers sales. This data can be pushed out to their smart devices in real time,” says Soon. “Having real-time data also encourages the reps to identify any foreseeable issues that can be corrected or averted in time, or recommend substitutes for out of stock items, thus providing a higher level of customer satisfaction.”

This remote access allows reps to respond to customers faster and without the need of the inside support team. This frees up inside reps to focus on other value-added services.

Mobile functionality also saves a salesperson from having to go into the office as often, keeping them in the field and ultimately saving jan/san distributors money on office overhead.

One of the keys to ERP functionality that allows for sales representatives to be mobile is security. Securing sensitive pricing and billing information on a cloud is the lifeblood of working remotely. If a jan/san distributor cannot guarantee that data is under lock and key, it could greatly jeopardize a relationship with clients.  

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Integrate ERP Software With Other Platforms
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Combine ERP With CRM Software To Win Clients