In a world of high-speed burnishers and fast-acting disinfectants, the jan/san industry values anything that saves time and labor. Not only do distributors require a software that helps them streamline business operations, but also shares a vision to elevate customer engagement and retention among disruptive forces. Sikes Paper Company in Atlanta, is doing just that by leveraging the power of DDI System’s Inform ERP software. By tapping into Inform’s mobile features, Sikes Paper continues to deliver sustainable value to customers and stand out among the competition to achieve growth.
“Our world is all about speed,” says Greg Truitt, vice president and general manager for Sikes Paper Company. “DDI has provided us the technology to literally change our speed to market. That ‘Goliath’ down the street who is spending millions of dollars cannot begin to compete with us on our speed and customer responsiveness.”
One of the ways Sikes Paper continuously exceeds customer expectations is through a mobile-connected sales team, each of whom are actively using the Inform ERP system to respond to customer needs. DDI’s streamlined mobility tools ensure accuracy and adaptability, which “is so fool-proof, even the newest rep can get the job done right,” says Truitt.
“Inform Mobility gives each sales member access to a customer’s order history and information, as well as warehouse inventory levels,” he says. “Salespeople can visit a prospect and on the way out the door, create a quote. Within 10 minutes after they’ve left the building, the order is getting pulled.”
In addition, DDI takes Sikes Paper to the next level with streamlined operations and paperless workflows. Inform’s ability to electronically capture the delivery signature has changed everyday life.
“Providing verification of delivery is a major part of our daily business. With our previous system, each day we were pulling anywhere from four to 10 proofs of delivery for invoice attachment,” says Truitt. “Inform automatically prints the signature of who accepted the delivery on the invoice. Instead of taking time to pull all those physical files, customer service reps are using time for income-generating activities.”
Inform’s robust operational control drove Sikes Paper to experience a 2 percent margin increase. By utilizing price letters, customer price matrices and the margin enhancement features, Sikes Paper was able to make smarter, faster strategic decisions to grow amidst competitive threats.
“In 2012, we were a $12 million distributor,” says Truitt. “Today, we are now over $20 million in sales and I have added zero additional support staff. That growth is attributed to the multi-dimensional features of DDI System’s Inform software and its ability to integrate various functions and departments.”