Seiche Sanders' portraitThe old saying, “practice what you preach” is beginning to take a strong foothold in jan/san manufacturing. While suppliers have for many years touted their environmentally preferable products as an easy way for facilities to green their operations, manufacturers taking steps to green their own operations is relatively new.

The ways in which these companies are thinking with the earth in mind, range from the relatively simple — like switching from conventional light bulbs to compact fluorescent — to the more complex, such as recycling water used during the manufacturing process.

As the industry continues to offer more and more green products for its customers, many suppliers are also finding ways to take part in the green movement. And, as many manufacturers interviewed for the cover story — “Seed Of Change” — point out, money savings result, both short-term and long-term.

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It is with a sad heart that I announce to the Sanitary Maintenance reading audience that this will be my last issue. However, it is with a happy heart that I move to Iowa to commence wedding planning with my fiancé, an Iowa native.

For the past two years, I have enjoyed learning about the industry, talking with distributors, manufacturers and end users, and I hope I have served you well. The industry has taught me — or enforced for me — many things, chiefly the ability to adapt to change. That lesson will serve me well as I move onto the next stage of my life.

I know I leave you in good hands as Dan Weltin, editor of SM’s sister publication Contracting Profits, will spearhead editorial planning of both publications. Current SM associate editor, Nick Bragg, will retain his important role in bringing you the latest trends and breaking news affecting jan/san distribution.