This recession is testing all business owners and jan/san distributors are no exception; they will need to change their business models in order to survive. As Deputy Editor Nick Bragg reports in this month’s cover story, many distributors are being aggressive in their strategies. They are adding new salespeople, altering their selling approach and even expanding their geographic reach.

In addition, our related feature article about wholesalers explains how they help distributors reach outside their organization to tap into their supply chain partners for help during the recession.

I would like to point out another avenue: your customers. I regularly read Norm Brodsky’s “Street Smarts” column in Inc. magazine. In his April column, Brodsky writes:

“When in doubt go to your customers. They will tell you what they want and lead you to solutions you’d never come up with on your own.”

Brodsky learned this advice during the 1980 New York City transit strike, but it still works today. In-house service providers are facing massive budget cuts and the threat of outsourcing. Building service contractors are seeing service reductions averaging 10 percent, in some cases higher. Talk to end users and find out their evolving needs. Customers may require different products or need additional training. Like you, their business strategies are changing, too.

Your extra effort will go a long way in creating loyal customers, which will help keep your business afloat during this economic downturn.