When the goal is to help a BSC expand their customer base, Rubin again offers insight and assistance from a distributor perspective. He will meet with the BSCs he works with to discuss how buildings and customers are changing in appearance, as well as expectations.

“The need or desire for 'visible hygiene' is becoming more prominent than ever before,” he offers as an example. “Cleaning programs are being more widely communicated with building occupants and customers in an effort to provide peace of mind. BSC must change their marketing to address these new concerns.”

As an example of a marketing effort, Moody described a company that had added a winery to their customer base. The company had set up a little card on the counters in the restrooms, as well as in other areas, indicating that “the facility had been cleaned and inspected by so-and-so company.”

“It was really nicely branded and also brought another level of confidence to the end user,” he adds.

It's important to research customers' needs; even those who aren't established yet. Waite advises that BSCs looking to expand their customer base or break out into new facility segments listen and explore how to best resolve potential issues.

“Too often, solutions are presented without fully understanding the challenges these folks are faced with,” he says. “The world is different, technology is different, the customers are differ- ent. BSCs should embrace and educate themselves on these changes to better serve the customer and community.”

Preparation of this kind will open doors as BSCs explore emerging markets or new cleaning offerings. As for those markets worth exploring, Waite believes public-facing segments provide great opportunities for BSCs, even if some degree of subcontracting certain services is required.

“Food service is opening fast and fierce. Schools are coming back, transportation is on the rebound, parks, recreation, manufacturing facilities and more,” he says. “Labor shortages are rampant and help will be needed.”

Experts agree that BSCs looking to expand their customer base or their services have opportunities to do so. They need to be willing to put in the time and effort to make a plan, evaluate their goals, research attainable service offerings, and keep their eyes and ears open for unfilled needs.

That’s when distributors can step in to help appropriately train frontline staff for new tasks or identify new workers needed for specialized jobs. Distributors are also positioned to offer recommendations for new products and equipment that will help BSCs accomplish both their existing offerings and new services without missing a beat.

Rubin stresses the importance of remaining a strong partner with these BSC customers. Assure these end users that they have a companion who is willing to help provide advice regard- ing their plans and who is invested in their success.

“We educate, show alternatives and showcase innovation,” says Waite. “We talk about complementary and complete programs, support them both with our staff and utilize our manufacturing partners to assist when needed. We become a partner to the end users and offer solutions, not just products.”

Shannon O'Connor is a freelance writer from Mason, Ohio.

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Benefits Of Additional Service And Training Offerings