From iPhones to iPads, URLs to QR codes, and webcasts to virtual trade shows, technology is rapidly changing and not even Sanitary Maintenance’s websites are immune. In June we launched a redesigned version of to bring readers even more of the industry leading content they expect from us.

While we’ll continue to provide informative articles, podcasts and daily news, we’ve also added a few new products to the mix.

For those who want to read SM on their computer screen, we now provide a digital version of the magazine; for easy access to articles anytime, we also offer a PDF download of each issue to keep on your hard drive.

Content isn’t limited to the pages of the magazine; offers plenty of extra information not seen in print. Every month, guest columnist Dave Kahle will dispense advice on how to solve today’s sales-related dilemmas. Already Dave has tackled breaking comfort zones and the problems of straight commission plans. Also no stranger to the industry, our very own Deputy Editor Nick Bragg will share his opinion and insight with readers in his blog.

And because some stories are best told through pictures, we’re striving to make a more visual experience. Our new photo gallery feature will give readers an up-close and graphical look at the industry. was not the only site to receive upgrades. Our vertical social networking site,, was also redesigned in June to make it easier for industry members to network with each other. Our forums are now more visible, and popular content is highlighted to ensure everyone can join the discussion. In addition, members can personalize their profile with their industry association memberships, certifications and education history. We’ve also included feeds from other social sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, truly making the social hub for the industry.