Facility managers have a lot on their plate. Finding solutions that reduce costs, maintenance and waste, as well as maintain a sanitary and comfortable restroom environment, is a high priority for facility owners and operators.

“When water pools on the floor, it requires more frequent and longer cleaning times in the restrooms,” says Bill Riley, sales and marketing specialist for Stiebel Eltron, West Hatfield, Mass. “While floor mats can be purchased to help prevent slips, they will also need to be maintained, thereby increasing costs. Having a hand dryer that prevents water from pooling on the floor to begin with will help keep costs down, extend the life of the hand dryer and make for a cleaner, safer and more comfortable experience for end users.” 

One way hand dryer manufacturers have addressed the “water-issue” is to offer accessories that help keep water off restroom floors and walls in the first place. For example, many manufacturers have added wall guards to their product lines.

Typically made of plastic or stainless steel, wall guards are fastened beneath or behind hand dryers to provide a protective barrier between the airflow and the wall. Any splash back created by a restroom patron is captured on the wall guard surface.

Models with curved bottoms create a “lip” that holds small amounts of water until it is evaporated by the air flow. Additionally, the raised sides of the wall guard help direct air flow downward, making this type of accessory ADA-compliant.

“By allowing water to evaporate under the air flow of the hand dryer, there is no collection, creating a hygienic solution in floor and wall protection,” says Andy Karl, sales manager for American Dryer Inc., Livonia, Mich. “Some customers have expressed concern that water could damage their walls, grout or create a safety hazard on the floor. While this is not a concern in all environments, creating a more hygienic, safer environment for our customers is always a high priority.”

Similarly, some companies have begun offering attachable drip trays. This way, the water simply collects below the high speed dryers that blow air down away from the user, as opposed to back at the user and on the floor. This results in much safer restroom conditions.

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Hand Dryer Manufacturers Address the 'Water Issue'
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Hand Dryer Water Collection Includes Reservoirs and Absorbent Ceramic