Odor-control products are no longer being confined to the restroom. Customers are installing dispensers in other areas of their facilities, including hallways, stairwells and lobbies, to address odors and impart signature scents.

“Odor control dispensers could be placed in a variety of areas, such as kitchens, warehouses and general office spaces,” says Tony Chiefari, vice president business development, Claire Manufacturing Co. “It’s a matter of personal preference.”

Inside or outside the restroom, the same rules apply regarding placement — dispensers should be placed 10 feet from the floor and centered within common areas.

At the same time, customers may prefer to keep dispensers well hidden when outside of the restroom environment.

“Some of our customers want the fragrance, but they don’t necessarily want to see the system,” says Chris Ward, air care category manager for GP PRO. “In a hotel, for example, they might put it behind a plant or bench, or around a corner.”

While restrooms are still an important sector of Vectair Systems’ business, the company is seeing an increase in business outside of the restroom, which accounts for approximately 60 percent of its sales.

“We have a much more discerning buyer who’s looking at a wider area of use,” says Paul Wonnacott, president of Vectair Systems. “It’s about creating ambient fragrance for enjoyment rather than masking nasty smells. So it’s heightening the user experience.”

When placing odor control dispensers outside restrooms, choosing the proper fragrance becomes even more crucial.

“If that fragrance is in your meeting room or office, you want to make sure that product will not affect your health,” says Wonnacott. “So our exposure to fragrance is becoming more topical, and we, as manufacturers, need to make sure the products we sell are as compliant and safe to the user as possible.”

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Active Vs. Passive Odor Control