Back in my January editorial, I commented that it was a smart move for the New York Yankees to spend aggressively on big-name free agents despite a struggling economy. Fast-forward nine months and as of this writing the Yankees are sitting atop the American League East and most likely heading to the playoffs (unfortunately I can’t say the same for my Milwaukee Brewers).

Why do I bring up this example? Sanitary Maintenance just finished tabulating its most recent Distributor Sales Study and the results aren’t pretty. From 2006 to 2008, distributor sales fell 6.6 percent. And we all know 2009 didn’t get off to a great start, either.

Now, keep in mind these numbers are an industry average and don’t reflect each and every distributor. I’ve talked to many readers whose sales have remained steady or are even growing. But each of them has one thing in common: they’ve been aggressive. Either by adding salespeople, opening new locations or improving customer service, these distributors are doing whatever they can to reach more customers and close more sales.

Some economists are claiming the recession has reached its end, but true or not, it won’t seem over for distributors for quite some time. Building service contractors and in-house service providers will remain cautious with their product spending — primarily because their customers and facilities won’t increase cleaning frequencies right away. Distributors must continue to invest in their companies to keep growing. Now is the time to add that extra team member, motivate your staff, rethink your warehouse plan, upgrade your Web site or streamline your operations with new technology. Don’t just sit back, remain aggressive. If you do, the next Sanitary Maintenance sales study undoubtedly will reveal a rise in sales figures once again.