Smiling bearded man

In January, Trade Press Media Group, the 103-year-old company founded by Harry Apple, and parent company of Sanitary Maintenance, was acquired by Forum Media Group, a family-owned media firm in Germany. 

This ownership change will provide new resources and opportunities for Sanitary Maintenance to offer more, and better, coverage of the jan/san distribution industry. This change will not alter our vision of providing well-researched, timely and unbiased information to readers. I, along with other editors, sales and support staffs, will remain with the brand. You can learn more about the acquisition here

However, there will be one person missing in this new era of Trade Press — our CEO of 30 years, Bob Wisniewski, who retired immediately following the acquisition. Many of you may have known Bob, either working with him or seeing him at an ISSA trade show. 

Bob joined Trade Press fresh out of college, selling advertising space for Sanitary Maintenance. He didn’t know a thing about cleaning, but quickly fell in love with the jan/san industry. He spent the next 15 years traveling the country, meeting with manufacturers and distributors, and solidifying Sanitary Maintenance as the industry’s leading publication. 

In 1988, Bob purchased Trade Press from the Apple family. He continued to give prominence to the cleaning industry by launching magazines for building service contractors and in-house cleaning facility managers, as well as establishing a web presence with 

Bob was highly regarded in the cleaning industry, receiving the Special Industry Achievement Award from the ISSA Young Executive Society in 1992. He was also respected in the business community and was named the “most trusted leader” for firms with fewer than 150 employees by the “Milwaukee Journal Sentinel” in 2010. 

I would like to thank Bob for giving a chance to another fresh-out-of-college kid 15 years ago. I have appreciated your trust, guidance and friendship. You were a shining example of what a leader should be. You will be missed at Trade Press and in this wonderful industry.